Monday, April 29, 2013

30 Day Squat Challenge ~~~~~ Day 7 ~~~~~~

Wow! we are up to 80 squats today and I have to say it is getting more and more easier to do. I also noticed that my body is not hurting as much either. YAY!!! I hope all of you are doing great with also. Please remember to drink lots of water so that those muscles aren't cramping up on you too.

So....i got to thinking today as a was picking up a pair of work boots for my husband that this would be the greatest time to invest in a new pair of walking/running shoes. I have been needing to get a new pair for a while now and the shoe store just happened to be having a sale. BONUS!! Now mind you that finding a good pair of athletic shoes is very hard for me as I have a high arch and need good support. So happy to say that I found just the right pair that feels great. They are New Balance 840s and I really like them. The price was right too.

Have a wonderful day and remember that tomorrow is rest day. 

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